Monday, June 29, 2009

Thank you!!

While the resolution passed in the House of Representatives and moves on to the Senate, I want to say thank you to the 212 members of the House of Representatives that voted no on H.R.2454, the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009, or better known as Cap & Trade. This bill would amount to the largest tax increase on businesses in U.S. history.

Congress is essentially using the environment to place taxes on the amount of carbon emissions that are produced by businesses in the United States. The science of global warming is not fact, the debate should still be going on.

I'm not going to get into the debate right now over whether global warming is man made, or a natural cycle (my opinion), but I do want to thank the men and women who stood up against this horrendous tax increase, especially the ones who represent the State of Oklahoma.

They are Representatives Dan Boren (D), Frank Lucas (R), Tom Cole (R), Mary Fallin (R). Those men and women show that it's not about the letter after your name. It's about whether the issue is right or wrong. I will be sending a letter to each of the Representatives in my state and I encourage you to do the same.

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