Thursday, March 19, 2009

Are You a Domestic Terrorist?

A report came out this week that there is a report from the Missouri State Police regarding domestic terrorists and what to look for. If you’re a conservative American in this country chances are you could probably answer yes to many of these questions. Normally a story like this you would just laugh off, but this is actually being used in Missouri. It could easily be used on a National level. Here are the questions that you have to ask yourself.

Are you or have you ever been a libertarian?

Do you believe in a global dictatorship called the NWO which conspires to exploit working class citizens?

Do you have a bible?

Do you believe that there are UN troops already operating in the US in support of NWO?

Do you believe Jews control the monetary system and media?

Do you believe in the Zionist Occupied Government?

Did you make preparations for Y2K?

Do you believe B. Obama is tight on gun control and do you fear that he will enact firearm confiscations?

Are you angered due to the election of the first African American president?

Have you displayed material related to the Constitution Party, Campaign for Liberty, or Libertarian material? I.e. Ron Paul bumper sticker

Are you or were you a supporter of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin or Bob Barr?
(Have you voted for a third party like libertarian?)

Have you ever displayed pictures, cartoons, or bumper stickers that contain anti-government rhetoric?
(Most will depict groups such as FBI, ATF, and IRS in derogatory manner.)
Have you ever shown a cartoon that depicts the IRS in a negative manner?

Are you or have you ever displayed the US flag upside down?

Have you ever displayed a don’t tread on me flag?
(Come and get it flag, George Washington banner)
Do you believe that immigrants of any sort are taking the jobs of US Citizens during times of High unemployment?

Do you believe that illegal immigrants are sucking up government resources without paying taxes?

Do you believe in or would you ever support an organization that patrols the border to protect against drug smugglers or gangs?

Are you or have you ever been strongly in opposition to the collection of Federal income taxes?

Are you or have you ever been opposed to abortion on demand?

Are you or have you ever been opposed to the use of Radio Frequency Identification in humans? (RFID)

Do you believe Obama doesn’t meet residency requirements to be President of the US?

Do you believe that the NWO is using law enforcement to carry out one world government?

Do you believe the government is operating FEMA concentration camps?

Do you believe that the US army is assigning homeland security functions to an active battalion of troops?

Do you believe that US NORTHCOM will take your firearms and are in violation of the Posse comitatus act?

Do you believe that the banking and media institutions are controlled by the Jews?

Are you in fear of the ammunition accountability act? (marking of ammo)

Do you believe the US government will fall into chaos due to economic issues or racial issues?

Do you believe the chaotic fall of the government will be used to install martial law and imprison many

Do you believe the Government is planning a constitutional convention that will strip the 1st and 2nd amendments?

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