Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Next Four Years

Today this country makes history. We have elected our first African-American president. I hate that label, but we’ll discuss that in a bit, it shouldn’t matter. If you’ve talked to me in the past you know I do not like where this man lives politically. I believed he was wrong for the country before the election, I still don’t know that he’s the right man for the job today. I do know, though, that he is my President. He’s the President of the United States of America, I’m an American. Therefore, he’s my President. For the last 8 years we’ve lived with Liberal Democrats yelling, "I didn’t vote for him!", "He’s not my President!". Well they were wrong. If they truly believed themselves to be Americans they were wrong. I’m not going to be that guy, as my wife would say about me. I’m going to support him. I’m going to stand against him when he’s wrong.

The only way for this country to prosper is for every American to come together and honestly debate all the issues before us. We’re going to disagree. That’s the beauty of our political system. I think the media has been doing everything it can to divide us. If you don’t believe in a certain policy you’re a bigot or a hatemonger. Well I say enough! Those people who don’t agree with your ideas aren’t evil. They’re not out to get you. They don’t agree with you. Fine. There’s nothing wrong with that. Sit down with them. Discuss the issues intelligently. Don’t throw hate, or lies to try to convince them you’re right. Don’t compromise your beliefs just to get an issue resolved though. Stand firm in your convictions, but know there’s a right time and a wrong time to fight for those convictions.

The next four years are going to be an adventure. That last 233 years have been an adventure. Sometimes they’ve been rough, sometimes they’ve been less so. That’s never going to change. This is America though. I believe it to truly be the greatest country on the planet. We have resolve. We have strength. We never fail to come together when times get hard and we will prosper if we stick together. Don’t spend the next four years trying to divide us because your "guy" didn’t make it. President Obama is our "guy" for the next four years. I’m not going to agree with him all the time. Chances are you’re not either, but we have to support him when we can. We have to support Congress as long as they’re doing what’s right for America. If they’re not let them know. Write them, call them, e-mail them. Do what you have to to get your voice heard. Don’t sit around and say well he’s not my President because I didn’t vote for him. We’ve had that for the last 8 years and it hasn’t been fun. Be the better man, or woman. That’s the way to make this country better.

Many politicians say they’re uniters, not dividers. Well I say the people are the ones who are the uniters. Our founding fathers had it right when they said, "We the People". That’s what this country is about. It’s not about the people in Washington. It’s about the people in Michigan, or Oklahoma, or Texas. We’re the ones who will make this country prosper. We just have to be willing to work with the people we may not agree with. Stand together when you can. Stand against them when you must.

God Bless the President. He’s going to need it.
God Bless America.
God Bless You.

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