Monday, October 26, 2009

Two Stories Connected By Christianity, Or Apparent Christianity

Fox News is reporting that a man, Trevor Keezer, was fired from his job at Home Depot for wearing a pin that displayed the phrase "One Nation Under God, Indivisible".  His brother is in the Army and he started wearing the pin 19 months ago as a way to show support for the troops. 
The pin, despite being against company dress policy, was apparently not an issue until Mr. Keezer started bringing his Bible to work.  Home Depot responded saying, "“The company’s dress code policy states that we do not allow non-company buttons, regardless of their message or content.”  However, I do not know of any company that will fire you for violating the dress code policy, at least not without a number of warnings first. 

There very well may, and usually is, more to the subject, but Home Depot has not commented on the reasons for his release, due to company policy. 

The other story comes from Penn State University where the shirt design you see to your left is the center of a "major" controversy.  The shirt is a design submitted and chosen by students of the university for their annual White Out football game where more than 100,000 Penn State fans gather to create a virtual see of white.  The design, according to Stephanie Bennis the shirts creator, is based on the stripe that adorns the football team's helmets.  She said wording generally runs straight across the chest and that's why the words are placed where they are. 

The university has received six complaints on the design and a number of people contacted by Fox News for the story have said they will not buy the shirt based on the religious overtones in the design.  I personally immediately saw that the design was shaped like a cross, but also being a football fan noticed that it was the same design that is featured on their helmets, which are solid white with a single blue stripe down the middle. 

I find it ludacrous that a person is so blatantly looking for religious overtones in everything they refuse to buy a shirt because it "might" look like a cross.  Even after they understand, from the shirts creator that it is not a cross, but simply a design inspired by a football helmet.  Liberals in this country tout freedom and diversity and tolerance, yet if it goes against their belief it's automatically targeted.  Christianity being the biggest focus of their attacks.  Yet Christians, who are labelled as bigots and intolerant openly welcome religious diversity, freedom and tolerance. 

Do we see the hypocrisy that the left shows in this country?